Publications (A:Article, P:ProceedingP, B:BulletinB)

  A.32 ''Activation cross sections of alpha-particle-induced reactions on natural rhenium up to 50 MeV''
   D. Gantumur, M. Aikawa, T. Khishigjargal, E. Norov, S. Ebata, H. Haba, S. Takacs, F. Ditoroi
    Appl. Radiat. Isot. 213 (2024) 111486

  A.31 ''Isomer production studied with simultaneous decay curve analysis for
       alpha-particle induced reactions on natural platinum up to 29 MeV''
    N. Otuka, S. Takacs, M. Aikawa, S. Ebata, H. Haba
    Eur. Phys. J. A (2024) 60:195

  A.30 ''Activation cross sections of α-particle-induced reactions on scandium in the energy range of 22-51 MeV''
    M. Aikawa, S. Ebata, H. Haba, S. Takacs, F. Ditroi, Z. Szucs
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 550 (2024) 165315

  A.29 ''Evolution of the giant monopole resonance with triaxial deformation''
   K. Washiyama, S.Ebata, and K. Yoshida,
    Phys. Rev. C109 (2024) 024317

  A.28 ''Global density-dependent α-nucleon interaction for α-nucleus elastic scattering''
   Furumoto, K. Tsubakihara, S. Ebata, W. Horiuchi
    Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys.2023 (2023) 013D01

  A.27 ''Activation cross section measurement of alpha-particle induced nuclear reactions on tantalum''
   S. Takacs, F. Ditroi, Z. Szucs, M. Aikawa, H. Haba, Y. Toyoeda, D. Gantumur, S. Ebata
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 545 (2023) 165127

  A.26 ''Activation cross sections of deuteron-induced reactions on natural rhenium up to 23 MeV''
   M. Aikawa, Y.Toyoeda, D. Gantumur, N.Ukon, S. Ebata, H.Haba, S.Tacaks, F.Ditroi, Z.Szucs
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 543 (2023) 165093

  A.25 ''The difference between charge polarizations of fission fragments deduced
     by the static theoretical model and in the current data library''
   S.Ebata, S. Okumura, C. Ishizuka, S. Chiba
    Int. J. Mod. Phys. E 32 (2023) 235003

  A.24 ''Simple model for a study of Λ hypernuclei in medium and heavy mass regions''
   N. Yoshinaga, A. Umeya, S.Ebata, T. Nojima, S. Ito
    Phys. Scr. 98 (2023) 085309

  A.23 ''Activation cross sections of alpha-particle-induced reactions on natural lanthanum up to 50 MeV''
   S. Ebata, M. Aikawa, D. Gantumur, H.Haba
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 530 (2022) 18

  A.22 ''Energy competition and pairing effect for the fission path with a microscopic model''
   K. Fujio, S. Ebata, T. Inakura, C. Ishizuka, S. Chiba
    Front. Phys. 10(2022) 986488

  A.21 ''Production cross sections of 52Mn in alpha-particle-induced reactions on natural vanadium''
   D. Gantumur, M. Aikawa, T. Khishigjargal, E. Norov, S. Ebata, H. Haba
    Appl. Radiat. Isot. 166 (2022) 110204

  A.20 ''Equations of State for Hadronic Matter and Mass-Radius Relations of Neutron Stars with Strong Magnetic Fields''
   C. Watanabe, N. Yoshinaga, S.Ebata
    Universe 2022 8, 48

  A.19 ''Activation cross sections of deuteron-induced reactions on praseodymium up to 24 MeV''
   M. Aikawa, T. Maehashi, D. Ichinkhorloo, S.Ebata, Y.Komori, H.Haba
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 498 (2021) 23

  A.18 ''Continuum strength of isoscalar transitions of α+40Ca state in 44Ti''
   M. Nakao, H. Umehara, R. Nakamoto, S.Ebata and M. Ito,
    J. Nucl. Sci. Technol. 57(9), 1121-1130 (2020).

  A.17 ''Studies on nuclear structure and nuclear dynamics using Cb-TDHFB''
    Front. Phys. 8(2020) 102

  A.16 ''Swelling of Doubly Magic 48Ca Core in Ca Isotopes beyond N=28''
   M. Tanaka, et. al, (S.Ebata 18/70)
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 (2020) 102501

  A.15 ''JENDL/ImPACT-2018: A New Nuclear Data Library for Innovative Studies on
       Transmutation of Long-lived Fission Products''
   S.Kunieda, , et. al, (S.Ebata 7/11),
    J. Nucl. Sci. Technol. 56(12), 1073-1091 (2019).

  A.14 ''Microscopic global optical potential for nucleon-nucleus systems in the energy range 50-400 MeV''
   T. Furumoto, K. Tsubakihara, S.Ebata, and W. Horiuchi,
    Phys. Rev. C99 (2019) 034605

  A.13 ''Coulomb breakup reactions of 93,94Zr in inverse kinematics''
   S. Takeuchi, et. al, (S.Ebata 21/51)
    Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys.2019 (2019) 013D02

  A.12 ''Cluster Thomas-Ehrman effect in mirror nuclei''
   M. Nakao, H. Umehara, S.Ebata, and M. Ito
    Phys. Rev. C98 (2018) 054318

  A.11 ''Activation cross sections of α-induced reactions on natZn for Ge and Ga production''
   M.Aikawa, M.Saito, S.Ebata, Y.Komori, H.Haba
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 427 (2018) 916

  A.10 ''Neutron-skin thickness determines the surface tension of a compressible nuclear droplet''
   W.Horiuchi, S.Ebata, K.Iida
    Phys. Rev. C96 (2017) 035804, arXiv:1707.04381

  A.09 ''Low-lying electric-dipole strengths of Ca, Ni, and Sn isotopes imprinted on total reaction cross sections''
   W.Horiuchi, S.Hatakeyama S.Ebata, Y.Suzuki
    Phys. Rev. C96 (2017) 24605, arXiv:1707.06072

  A.08 ''Octupole deformation in the nuclear chart based on the 3D Skyrme Hartree?Fock plus BCS model''
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa
    Phys. Scr. 92 (2017) 64005, arXiv:1707.07416

  A.07 ''Thick-target transmission method for excitation functions of interaction cross sections''
   M.Aikawa, S.Ebata, S.Imai
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 383 (2016) 156

  A.06 ''Extracting nuclear sizes of medium to heavy nuclei from total reaction cross sections''
   W.Horiuchi, S.Hatakeyama, S.Ebata, Y.Suzuki
    Phys. Rev. C 93 (2016), 044611

  A.05 ''Nuclear incompressibility parameters evaluated
       from isoscalar giant monopole resonance of N=Z, A=100,132 nuclide and Sn isotopes''
   Submit to Phys. Rev. C, arXiv:1508.06407

  A.04 ''Thick-target yields of radioactive targets deduced from inverse kinematics''
   M.Aikawa, S.Ebata, S.Imai
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 353 (2015) 1, arXiv:1411.6729v2

  A.03 ''Systematic investigation of low-lying dipole modes
       using the canonical-basis time-dependent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory''
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura
    Phys. Rev. C 90 (2014), 024303, arXiv:1403.7336v2

  A.02 ''Low-lying 2+ states generated by pn-quadrupole correlation and N=28 shell quenching''
   S.Ebata, M.Kimura
    Phys. Rev. C 91 (2015), 014309, arXiv:1403.4008v2

  A.01 ''Canonical-basis time-dependent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory and linear-response calculations''
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura, K.Yoshida, Y.Hashimoto, K.Yabana
    Phys. Rev. C 82 (2010), 034306, arXiv:1007.0785v1 Synopses in 'Physics'

--- Proceedings ---

  P.20 ''Electric dipole strength functions of Lambda hypernuclei obtained by the time-dependent mean-field calculation''
   S.Ebata, A.Umeya, N.Yoshinaga
    IL NUOVO CIMENTO 47 C (2024) 18, COMEX7

  P.19 ''Charge polarization calculated with a microscopic model for the ?ssion fragments of U-236''
   S.Ebata, S.Okumura, C.Ishizuka, S.Chiba
    EPJ Web of Conferences 284 04008 (2023), ND2022

  P.18 ''Extended methods using thick-targets for nuclear reaction data of radioactive isotopes''
   S.Ebata, M.Aikawa, S.Imai
    EPJ Web of Conferences 146 03010 (2017), ND2016

  P.17 ''Simulation for thick-target yields of transmutation reactions on radioactive targets, based on inverse kinematics''
   S.Ebata, M.Aikawa, S.Imai
    EPJ Web of Conferences 122 07003 (2016), CNR*15

  P.16 ''Photonuclear reactions of calcium isotopes calculated with the nuclear shell model''
   Y.Utsuno, N.Shimizu, T.Otsuka, S.Ebata, M.Honma
    Prog. nucl. Energy 82 (2015) 102, INES-4

  P.15 ''Repulsive aspects of pairing correlation in nuclear fusion reaction''
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa
   JPS Conf. Proc. 6, 020056 (2015), arXiv:1408.2495v1, ARIS14

  P.14 ''Quenching of N=28 shell gap and a novel type of low-lying quadrupole mode
       in the vicinity of neutron-rich N=28 isotones''
   S.Ebata, M.Kimura
   JPS Conf. Proc. 6, 030093 (2015), arXiv:1408.2221v2, ARIS14

  P.13 ''Pairing effects in Nuclear Fusion Reaction''
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa
   JPS Conf. Proc. 1, 013038 (2014), arXiv:1309.7552v1, APPC12

  P.12 ''Time-dependent density-functional studies on strength functions in neutron-rich nuclei''
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura
   Fission and Properties of Neutron-Rich Nuclei (World Scientific) pp.635-642, arXiv:1302.1926v1, ICFN5

  P.11 ''Systematic investigation of E1 strength for the isotopes from Z = 28 to 50''
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura
   Journal of Physics Conf. Ser. 445, 012021 (2013), arXiv:1302.0958v1, ENSFN2012

  P.10 ''Simulation of heavy ion collision using time-dependent density functional theory including nuclear superfluidty''
   Journal of Physics Conf. Ser. 454, 012054 (2013), arXiv:1211.6812v1, CCP2012

  P.09 ''Density functional approaches to nuclear dynamics''
   T.Nakatsukasa, S.Ebata, P.Avogadro, L.Guo, T.Inakura and K.Yoshida
   Journal of Physics Conf. Ser. 387, 012015 (2012)

  P.08 ''Cb-TDHFB calculation for the low-lying E1 strength of heavy nuclei around the r-process path''
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura
   Prog. Theor. Phys. Supplement No.196, 316 - 321 YKIS2011

  P.07 ''Systematic study of low-lying E1 strength using the time-dependent mean field theory''
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura
   AIP Conf. Proc. 1484, 427 arXiv:1201.3462v1, OMEG11

  P.06 ''Study of pygmy dipole resonance with a new time-dependent mean field theory''
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura
   Journal of Physics Conf. Ser. 381, 012104 (2012), arXiv:1111.0362v1,
    Rutherford Centennial Conference on Nuclear Physics

  P.05 ''Linear-Respmse calculation using Canonical-basis TDHFB''
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura, K.Yoshida, Y.Hashimoto, K.Yabana
   Soryushiron Kenkyu 119 No.1 (electronic ver.) (p.154-161),
   Microscopic theory for Large amplitude collective motion (only Japanese)

   T.Nakatsukasa, P.Avogadro, S.Ebata, T.Inakura K.Yoshida
   Acta. Phys. Pol. B42 No.3-4, Zakopane Conference on Nuclear Physics 2010

  P.03 ''Linear response calculation using the canonical-basis TDHFB with a schematic pairing functional''
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, K.Yabana
   Journal of Physics Conf. Ser. 312 092023, arXiv:1009.3339v1, INPC2010

  P.02 ''Linear Response Calculation using Canonical-basis TDHFB with a schematic pairing functional''
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura, Y.Hashimoto, K.Yabana
   AIP Conf. Proc. 1269, 466 OMEG10

   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura, Y.Hashimoto, K.Yabana
   Mod. Phys. Lett. A25 (2010), 2001-2002 Niigata2010

--- Bulletin ---

  B.13 ''Monte-Carlo simulation of transmutation based on experimental nuclear data''
   S.Ebata, D.Ichinkhorloo, M.Aikawa,
   RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report 51, 105 (2018)

  B.12 ''Thick-target transmission method for excitation functions of interaction cross sections''
   M.Aikawa, S.Ebata, S.Imai,
   RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report 50, 105 (2017)

  B.11 ''Nuclear data study for the development of transmutation technology''
   S.Ebata, M.Aikawa, S.Imai,
   RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report 49, 89 (2016)

  B.10 ''Thick-target yields derived from inverse kinematics toward transmutation''
   S.Imai, M.Aikawa, S.Ebata
   RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report 48, 98 (2015)

  B.09 ''Development of nuclear data application software with Webble World''
   S.Ebata, A.Makinaga, M.Aikawa
   RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report 47, 71 (2014)

  B.08 ''The behavior of PDR and E1 polarizability with respect to neutron skin-thickness''
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa
   CNS Annual Report 2012 (2014) 67.

  B.07 ''Systematic study of low-lying E1 modes using a time-dependent mean field theory''
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura
   CNS Annual Repport 2011 (2013) 91.

  B.06 ''Neutron-skin thickness, pygmy dipole resonance and E1 polarizability''
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa
   RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report 46, 43 (2012)

  B.05 ''Systematic investigation for low-lying E1 modes of heavy nucleus around N=82 using Cb-TDHFB''
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura
   RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report 45, 34 (2011)

  B.04 ''Cb-TDHFB calculations for isovector dipole mode of heavy nucleus''
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura, K.Yoshida, Y.Hashimoto, K.Yabana
   RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report 44, iv (2010) (ref. Highlights part)

  B.03 ''Caninical-basis time-dependent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory and linear-response calculations''
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura, K.Yoshida, Y.Hashimoto, K.Yabana
   RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report 44, 30 (2010)

  B.02 ''Linear Response Calculation Using Caninical-basis TDHFB with a Schematic Pairing Functional''
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura, Y.Hashimoto, K.Yabana
   RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report 43, 51 (2009)

  B.01 ''Linear Response Calculations With Skyrme TDHF+BCS''
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura, Y.Hashimoto, K.Yabana
   RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report 42, 49 (2008)

Oral Presentation (E.*: English, J.*: Japanese, E or J: Invited)

  E.32 ''Electric dipole strength functions of Lambda hypernuclei obtained by the time dependent mean field calculation''
   7th International Conference on Collective Motion in Nuclei under Extreme Conditions (COMEX7)
   [Catania, Italy 2023.06.11 - 06.16]
   S.Ebata, A.Umeya, N.Yoshinaga

  J.46 ''The time-dependent mean-field model calculation for strength functions of lambda hypernuclei''
   JPS 2022 Autumn Meeting [Okayama Univ. of Science, 2022.09.06 - 09.08]
   S. Ebata, S. Ito, A. Umeya, N. Yoshinaga

  E.31 ''Charge polarization calculated with a microscopic model for the fission fragments of U-236''
   15th International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology (ND2022)
   [Sacramento, California, US 2022.07.24 - 07.29] -> (Gather. Twon (vertual event hall))
   S.Ebata, S.Okumura, C.Ishizuka, S.Chiba

  J.45 ''Initial energy dependence of time-dependent mean-field model for charge polarization of fission fragments''
   JPS 2021 Autumn Meeting [Kobe Univ, 2021.09.14 - 09.17]
   S.Ebata, S.Okumura, C.Ishizuka, S.Chiba

  J.44 ''Energy dependence of charge polarization deduced from the time-dependent mean-field calculation''
   AESJ 2021 Fall Meeting[Hokkaido Univ., 2021.09.08 - 09.10](Online Meeting)
   S.Ebata, S.Okumura, C.Ishizuka, S.Chiba

  J.43 ''Charge polarization of the fission fragments deduced by the real time-dependent mean-field calculation from equal-energy contours'' 3E15
   AESJ 2021 Spring Meeting[Waseda Univ., 2020.03.17 - 03.19](Online Meeting)
   S.Ebata, S.Okumura, C.Ishizuka, S.Chiba

  J.42 ''Time-dependent mean-field model calculation for the charge polarization of fission fragments'' 15pU2-10
   JPS 76th Annual Meeting [Tokyo Univ., 2021.03.12 - 03.15](Online Meeting)
   S.Ebata, S.Okumura, C.Ishizuka, S.Chiba

  J.41 ''Pairing functional dependence on charge polarization of fission fragments derived by time-dependent mean-field calculation'' 1N03
   AESJ 2020 Fall Meeting[Kyushu Univ., 2020.09.16 - 09.18](Online Meeting)
   S.Ebata, S.Okumura, C.Ishizuka, S.Chiba

  J.40 ''Mean-field calculation for the charge polarization of fission fragments and its estimation'' 17aSG-4
   JPS 2020 Autumn Meeting[Tsukuba Univ., 2020.09.14 - 09.17](Online Meeting)
   S.Ebata, S.Okumura, C.Ishizuka, S.Chiba

  E.31 ''Charge polarization on the fission fragments from U-236 calculated with a time-dependent mean-field model''
   Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science 2020"
   [Avignon, France 2020.06.14 - 06.19] -> (Postponed to 2021.09.05-09.11) -> (Postponed to 2023.06.04-06.09)
   S.Ebata, S.Okumura, C.Ishizuka, S.Chiba

  J.39 ''Charge polarization of fission fragments from U-236 calculated with a time-dependent mean-field model''
   AESJ 2020 Spring Meeting[Fukushima Univ., 2020.03.16 - 03.18] (canceled)
   S.Ebata, S.Okumura, C.Ishizuka, S.Chiba

  J.38 ''Nuclear Regulation Human Resource Development Program in Tokyo Tech
        “The Advanced Nuclear 3S Education and Training (ANSET)”(4) Implementation Status 2019''
   The 40th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management Japan Chapter
   [Plaza Heisei Meeting Facilities, Tokyo, 2019.11.19 - 11.20]
   S.Ebata, C.Y.Han, H.Sagara, Y.Matsumoto, S.Chiba, N.Hayashizaki, M.Ikegami, A.Omoto,
   K.Takeshita, T.Katabuchi, H.Kikura, K.Takao

  E.30 ''Theoretical study on Z=120 super-heavy element synthesis with time-dependent mean-field models''
   Nuclear Fission Dynamics 2019"
   [YITP Kyoto Univ., 2019.10.28 - 11.08]
   S.Ebata, S.Chiba, F. Ivanyuk, V. Litnevsky

  E.29 ''Charge polarization of fission products deduced from the microscopic calculation''
   The international workshop on nuclear physics for astrophysical phenomena
   [Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2019.10.23 - 10.25]
   S.Ebata, S.Okumura, C.Ishizuka, S.Chiba

  J.37 ''Charge polarization of fission fragments from Pu-240 deduced with a microscopic theoretical calculation''
   AESJ 2019 Fall Meeting[Toyama Univ., 2019.09.11 - 09.13]
   S.Ebata, S.Okumura, C.Ishizuka, S.Chiba

  E.28 ''Theoretical study on formation mechanisms of Z=120 super-heavy elements''
   54th ASRC International Workshop Sakura-2019 "Nuclear Fission and Structure of Exotic Nuclei"
   [JAEA, 2019.03.25 - 03.27]
   S.Ebata, S.Chiba, F. Ivanyuk, V. Litnevsky

  J.36 ''Theoretical study on Z=120 super-heavy element synthesis with real-time mean-field models''
   AESJ 2019 Spring Meeting[Ibaraki Univ., 2019.03.20 - 03.22]
   S.Ebata, S.Chiba, F. Ivanyuk, V. Litnevsky

  J.35 ''Microscopic theoretical calculations for the charge polarization of fission fragments''
   Ukakuren symposium on Nuclear data and Heavy element synthesis
   [Hokkaido Univ., 2019.03.06 - 03.08]
   S.Ebata, S.Okumura, C.Ishizuka, S.Chiba

  J.34 ''Nuclear Regulation Human Resource Development Program in Tokyo Tech
        “The Advanced Nuclear 3S Education and Training (ANSET)”(2) Implementation Status 2018''
   The 39th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management Japan Chapter
   [Univ. of Tokyo, 2018.11.20 - 11.21]
   S.Ebata, C.Y.Han, H.Sagara, Y.Matsumoto, S.Chiba, N.Hayashizaki, M.Ikegami, A.Omoto,
   K.Takeshita, T.Katabuchi, H.Kikura, K.Takao

  J.33 ''Microscopic theoretical calculations for the charge polarization of fission product''
   AESJ 2018 Fall Meeting [Okayama Univ., 2018.09.05 - 09.07]
   S.Ebata, C.Ishizuka, S.Okumura, S.Chiba

  E.27 ''Charge Distribution of Fission Fragments''
   The 4th workshop on many-body correlations in microscopic nuclear model(Sado2018)
   [ Sado, Niigata, 2018.08.18 - 08.20]
   S.Ebata, S.Okumura, C.Ishizuka, S.Chiba

  E.26 ''Mass dependence of the octupole correlation investigated with the constrainted 3D HF+BCS model''
   RCNP International workshop on“Physics Opportunities using CAGRA and RCNP tracking Ge detector”(CAGRA17)
   [ Σ Hall, Osaka University, 2017.10.10 - 10.12]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa

  J.32 ''Nuclear dynamics described by the time-dependent mean field model'' poster
   17th Tsubame Lounge Seminer [TIT, 2017.09.29]

  J.31 ''Study of octupole correlation in even-even nuclei
      by the the constrained three-dimensional Hartree-Fock plus BCS model'' 17aH21-11
   JPS 72th Annual Meeting [Oosaka Univ., 2017.03.17 - 03.20]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa

  E.25 ''Octupole deformed nuclei in the nuclear chart based on the three dimensional mean field calculation''
   First Tsukuba-CCS-RIKEN joint workshop on microscopic theories of nuclear structure and dynamics
   [RIKEN and Tsukuba CCS, 2016.12.12 - 12.16]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa

  E.24 ''Octupole deformation in the nuclear chart based on the 3D Skyrme Hartree-Fock plus BCS model''
   Shapes and Symmetries in Nuclei: from Experiment to Theory (SSNET) [Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 2016.11.07 - 11.11]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa

  E.23 ''Extended methods using thick-targets for nuclear reaction data of radioactive isotopes''
   International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology (ND2016) [Bruges, Belgium, 2016.09.11 - 09.16]
   S.Ebata, S.Imai, M.Aikawa

  J.30 ''Systematic caluculation for the deformation of even-even nuclei
      by the three-dimensional Hartree-Fock plus BCS model'' 21aAC-11
   JPS 71th Annual Meeting [Touhokugakuin Univ., 2016.03.19 - 03.22]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa

  J.29 ''Thick-target transmission method to obtain the energy dependence of interaction cross section"
   RCNP Workshop ''Present status and perspective for the study of proton/neutron radii
      by the total reaction and charge exchange cross sections" [RCNP, Osaka, 2016.01.12 - 01.13]
   S.Ebata, M.Aikawa, S.Imai

  J.28 ''Evaluation of the incompressibility in finite nuclear system
      by the systematic calculation for the giant monopole resonance'' 28aSP-3
   JPS 2015 Autumn Meeting [Osaka City Univ, 2015.09.25 - 09.28]

  E.22 ''Monte Carlo simulation for thick-target yields deduced from inverse kinematics''
   The 6th Asian Nuclear Reaction Database Development Workshop (AASSP2015) [Hokkaido Univ., 2015.09.15 - 09.17]
   S.Imai, M.Aikawa, S.Ebata

  J.27 ''Evaluation of the incompressibility in finite nuclear system
      by the systematic calculation for the giant monopole resonance''
   RCNP Workshop ''Search for nuclear excited and cluster states by ISM transition" [RCNP, Osaka 2015.07.16 - 07.17]

  E.21 ''JCPRG Progress Report''
   Technical Meeting NRDC2015 [IAEA, Vienna, 2015.04.21 - 04.23]

  J.26 ''Developments of the canonical-basis time-dependent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory'' 21pCA-7
   JPS 70th Annual Meeting [Waseda Univ., 2015.03.21 - 03.24]

  J.25 ''Low-lying 2+ states generated by pn-quadrupole correlation and N=28 shell quenching'' 21aCD-6
   JPS 70th Annual Meeting [Waseda Univ., 2015.03.21 - 03.24]
   S.Ebata, M.Kimura

  J.24 ''Developments of the Canonical-basis Time-dependent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Theory''
   RIBF Nuclear Physics Seminar [RIKEN RIBF, 2015.01.13]

  E.20 ''Repulsive aspects of pairing correlation in nuclear fusion reaction''
   The 2nd conference on Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science (ARIS14)
   [ITO International Research Center, Univ. of Tokyo, 2014.06.01 - 06.06]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa

  J.23 ''Pairing effects in different nuclei collision'' 30aTB-9
   JPS 69th Annual Meeting [Tokai University, Shonan Campus, 2014.03.27 - 03.30]

  E.19 ''Systematic study of electric dipole excited states utilizing the linear response method''
   The 4th Asian Nuclear Reaction Database Development Workshop
   [Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2013.10.23 - 10.25]

  E.18 ''Time-dependent mean-field theory including pairing correlations and applications to linear response calculation''
   Advances in time-dependent methods for quantum many-body system
   [ECT*, Trento, 2013.10.14 - 10.18]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa

  J.22 ''Theoretical approach to the gamma‐ray strength function of heavy mass nuclei''
   The 1st JCPRG-RNC Joint Workshop on Nuclear Data
   [RIKEN Nishina Center, 2013.08.08 - 08.09]

  J.21 ''Developments of Nuclear Database Utilization system with the Webble World''
   The 1st JCPRG-RNC Joint Workshop on Nuclear Data
   [RIKEN Nishina Center, 2013.08.08 - 08.09]

  E.17 ''Pairing Effects in Nuclear Fusion Reaction''
   The 12th Asia Pasific Physics Conference(APPC12)
   [Makuhari Messe Int. Conf. Hall Chiba, 2013.07.14 - 07.19]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa

  E.16 ''Properties of finite nuclear system and the systematics of E1 response''
   Symmetry energy and nucleus-nucleus colliding simulation [RIKEN, 2013.07.02 - 07.04]

  J.20 ''Approach of Time-Dependent Mean-Field Theory to Nuclear Reaction'' 29aHE-4
   JPS 68th Annual Meeting [Hiroshima University, 2013.03.26 - 03.29]

  J.19 ''Systematic study of the low-lying E1 mode'' 27aHE-6
   JPS 68th Annual Meeting [Hiroshima University, 2013.03.26 - 03.29]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura

  E.15 ''Pairing effects in fusion phenomena utilizing a time-dependent mean field theory''
   10th ASRC International Workshop " Nuclear Fission and Decay of Exotic Nuclei "
   [JAEA Nuclear Science Research Institute, 2013.03.21 - 03.22]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa

  J.18 ''Study of Nuclear Dynamics utilising TDDFT''
   HPCI Strategic Program Field 5 Symposium
   [Fujisoft Akiba Plaza, 2013.3.05-06]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura

  E.14 ''Systematic study of low-lying E1 strength from light to heavy nuclei''
   Collective Motions in nuclei under EXtreme conditions (COMEX4)
   [Shonan Village Center, 2012.10.22 - 10.26]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura

  E.13 ''Simulation of heavy ion collision using time-dependent density functional theory including nuclear superfluidty''
   Conference on Computational Physics (CCP2012) [Nichii Gakkan Kobe Port Island Center, 2012.10.14 - 10.18]

  E.12 ''Systematic investigation of E1 strength for the isotopes from Z = 28 to 50''
   Exotic Nuclear Structure From Nucleons (ENSFN2012)
   [Koshiba hall, Univ. of Tokyo, 2012.10.10 - 10.12]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura

  J.17 ''Application of Cb-TDHFB to nuclear collision II'' 11aSA-1
   JPS 2012 Autumn Meeting [Kyoto Sangyo Univ, 2012.09.11 - 09.14]

  J.16 ''Application of Cb-TDHFB to nuclear collision'' 27pXB-4
   JPS 67th Annual Meeting [Kwansei Gakuin Univ, 2012.03.24 - 03.27]

  J.15 ''Systematic study for E1 excited states using TDDFT''
   HPCI Strategic Program Field 5 Symposium[Akihabara Convention Hall, 2012.3.07-08]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura

  J.14 ''Application of density functional theory to photo-nnuclear reaction''
   Progress of computational fundamental physics on Particle-Nuclear-Cosumo-Physics[NEMU no sato, 2011.12.03-05]

  J.13 ''Systematic calculation for low-lying E1 strength with Cb-TDHFB''
   Exotic structure of low-lying states of nuclei probing with E0 and E1 transitions [YITP, 2011.12.07 - 12.09]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura

  E.11 ''Cb-TDHFB calculation for low-lying E1 strength of heavy nuclei around the r-process path''
   Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei ( YKIS2011 )
   [YITP, 2011.10.11 - 10.15]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura

  J.12 ''Systematic study of isovector dipole mode in low energy region for heavy nuclei (A>100) with Cb-TDHFB'' 18pSF-11
   JPS 2011 Autumn Meeting [Hirosaki Univ, 2011.09.16 - 09.19]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura

  E.10 ''Study of pygmy dipole resonance with a new time-dependent mean field theory''
    Rutherford Centennial Conference on Nuclear Physics
   [Manchester UK, 2011.08.08 - 08.12]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa

  E.09 ''Pygmy dipole resonance of radio isotopes around r-process''
   RIBF ULIC and CNS Symposium on Frontier of gamma-ray spectroscopy GAMMA11
   [RIKEN RIBF, 2011.06.30 - 07.02]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa

  J.11 ''Cb-TDHFB calculations for isovector dipole mode of heavy nuclei (A>100)'' 25pGM-3
   JPS 66th Annual Meeting [Niigata Univ, 2011.03.25 - 03.28]  stoppage
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura, Y.Hashimoto, K.Yabana

  E.08 ''Systematic study of E1 mode using Canonical-basis TDHFB''
   French-Japanese Symposium on Nuclear Structure Problems
   [RIKEN RIBF 2F Conf. hole, 2011.01.05 - 01.08]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura, K.Yoshida, Y.Hashimoto, K.Yabana

  J.10 ''The Linear Response Calculations using Canonical-basis TDHFB''
   Microscopic Theory of Large Amplitude Collective motion[YITP, 2010.10.24 - 10.26]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura, K.Yoshida, Y.Hashimoto, K.Yabana

  J.09 ''The researches of E1 mode of nuclei up to A=50 using Cb-TDHFB'' 12aSB-9
   JPS 2010 Autumn Meeting [ Kyushu Institute of Technology, 2010.09.11 - 09.14]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura, Y.Hashimoto, K.Yabana

  E.07 ''The research of E1 mode using Canonical-basis TDHFB''
   JAPAN-ITALY EFES Workshop on Correlations in Reactions and Continuum
   [Torino, 2010.09.06 - 09.08]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura, K.Yoshida, Y.Hashimoto, K.Yabana

  E.06 ''The research of E1 mode using the Canonical-basis TDHFB''
   The 9th CNS-EFES International Summer School [RIKEN Nishina Center,2010.08.18 - 08.24]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura, K.Yoshida, Y.Hashimoto, K.Yabana

  E.05 ''Linear Response Calculation using Canonical-basis TDHFB with a schematic pairing functional''
   Second EMMI-EFES Workshop on Neutron-Rich Nuclei (EENEN10)
   [RIKEN Nishina Center, 2010.06.16 - 06.18]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura, Y.Hashimoto, K.Yabana

  J.08 ''The approach to medium mass nuclei using Skyrme-TDHF+"BCS"'' 20pBH-12
   JPS 65th Annual Meeting [Okayama Univ, 2010.03.20 - 03.23]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura, Y.Hashimoto, K.Yabana

  E.04 ''Linear Response Calculation using Canonical-basis TDHFB with a schematic pairing functional''
   The 4th LACM-EFES-JUSTIPEN Workshop [ORNL Oak Ridge, Tennessee 2010.03.15 - 03.17]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura, Y.Hashimoto, K.Yabana

  E.03 ''Linear Response Calculation using Canonical-basis TDHFB with a schematic pairing functional''
   ICHOR-EFES International Symposium on New Facet of Spin-Isospin Responses (SIR2010)
   [Koshiba Hall, Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo 2010.02.18 - 02.21]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura, Y.Hashimoto, K.Yabana

  J.07 ''Linear Response calculation with Skyrme TDHF+"BCS" for systematic Calculation''
   YONUPA Summer School 2009 [ Panoramaland Kijimadaira 2009.08.24 - 08.29]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura, Y.Hashimoto, K.Yabana

  J.06 ''Linear Response calculation with Skyrme TDHF+"BCS"''
   Nucleus and Hadron Physics [ KEK San-Go-Kan Bldg., 2009.08.11 - 08.13]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura, Y.Hashimoto, K.Yabana

  J.05 ''Linear Response calculation with Skyrme TDHF+BCS II'' 30aXF-8
   JPS 64th Annual Meeting [ Rikyou Univ, 2009.03.27 - 03.30]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura, Y.Hashimoto, K.Yabana

  J.04 ''Linear Response calculation with TDHF+BCS on Skyrme force'' 22aSA-7
   JPS 2008 Autumn Meeting [ Yamagata Univ, 2008.09.20 - 09.23]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura, Y.Hashimoto, K.Yabana

  E.02 ''TDHF+"BCS" approach to response functions in deformed nuclei''
   The 7th CNS-EFES International Summer School [ RIKEN Nishina Center, 2008.08.26 - 09.01]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura, Y.Hashimoto, K.Yabana

  J.03 ''Linear Response calculation with TDHF+"BCS"''
   YONUPA Summer School 2008 [ National Olympics Memorial Youth Center 2008.08.19 - 08.24]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura, Y.Hashimoto, K.Yabana

  E.01 ''TDHF+"BCS" approach to response functions in deformed nuclei''
   JUSTIPEN Pre-symposium [ Hokkaido Univ, 2008.07.18 - 07.25]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura, Y.Hashimoto, K.Yabana

  J.02 ''"Calculation of Real-Time Response Function by TDHF-BCS" 2nd'' 26pZH-5
   JPS 63th Annual Meeting [ Kinki Univ, 2008.03.26]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura, Y.Hashimoto, K.Yabana

  J.01 ''Calculation of Real-Time Response Function by TDHF-BCS'' 21aYE-7
   JPS 62th Annual Meeting [ Hokkaido Univ, 2007.09.21]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura, Y.Hashimoto, K.Yabana

Poster Presentation

  ''Charge polarization on the fission fragments from U-236 calculatted with a time-dependent mean-field model''
   Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science 2023 (ARIS2023) [Avignon, France 2023.06.04 - 06.09]
   S.Ebata, S.Okumura, C.Ishizuka, S.Chiba

  ''Microscopic calculations for the charge polarization of fission fragments''
   2018 Symposium on Nuclear Data [Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2018.11.29 - 11.30]
   S.Ebata, S.Okumura, C.Ishizuka, S.Chiba

  ''Simulation for thick-target yields of transmutation reactions on radioactive targets based on inverse kinematicse''
   The 5th International Workshop on Compound-Nuclear Reactions and Related Topics (CNR*15)
   [Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2015.10.19 - 10.23]
   S.Ebata, M.Aikawa, S.Imai

  ''Quenching of N=28 shell gap and a novel type of low-lying quadrupole mode
    in the vicinity of neutron-rich N=28 isotones''
   The 2nd conference on Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science (ARIS14)
   [ITO International Research Center, Univ. of Tokyo, 2014.06.01 - 06.06]
   S.Ebata, M.Kimura

   ''Systematic calculation for the low-lying E1 mode using time-dependent mean field theory''
    K Computer Symposium 2012 [Integrated Research Center of Kobe University, 2012.06.14 - 06.15]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura

   ''Systematic calculation for low-lying E1 mode using the time-dependent mean field theory''
    2nd AICS International Symposium -Computer and Computational Sciences for Exascale Computing-
   [RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science, Kobe 2012.03.01 - 03.02]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura

   ''Systematic study of low-lying E1 strength using the time-dependent mean field theory''
    The 11th. International Symposium on Origin of Matter and Evolution of the Galaxies (OMEG11)
    [RIKEN, RIBF 2F 2011.11.14 - 11.17]
    S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura

   ''Canonical-basis TDHFB calculation for E1 mode of heavy nuclei (A>100) ''
    Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science (ARIS2011) [Brussel Leuven 2011.05.29 - 06.03]
   S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa

   ''Linear Response Calculation using Canonical-basis TDHFB with a schematic pairing functional ''
    The 10th. International Symposium on Origin of Matter and Evolution of the Galaxies (OMEG10)
    [RCNP, Osaka University, Ibaraki, Osaka 2010.03.08 - 03.10]
    S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura, Y.Hashimoto, K.Yabana

   ''Linear Response Calculation using Canonical-basis TDHFB with a schematic pairing functional ''
    INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM Forefronts of Researches in Exotic Nuclear Structures (Niigata2010)
    [HOTEL BELNATIO Tokamachi, Niigata 2010.03.01 - 03.04]
    S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura, Y.Hashimoto, K.Yabana

   ''Linear Response calculation with Skyrme TDHF+"BCS" for systematic Calculation''
    YONUPA Summer School 2009 [ Panoramaland Kijimadaira 2009.08.24 - 08.29]
    S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura, Y.Hashimoto, K.Yabana

   ''Linear response calculation with Skyrme-TDHF+"BCS"''
    The View of Nuclear Physics [ RIKEN RIBF 2F Conf. hole, 2008.11.26 - 11.27]
    S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura, Y.Hashimoto, K.Yabana

   ''Real-time calculations of response function with TDHF+BCS''
    YONUPA Summer School 2008 [ National Olympics Memorial Youth Center 2008.08.19 - 08.24]
    S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura, Y.Hashimoto, K.Yabana

   ''Real-time calculations of response function with TDHF+BCS''
    GAMMA08 [ RIKEN Nishina Center, 2008.04.03 - 04.05]
    S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura, Y.Hashimoto, K.Yabana

   ''Calculation of Response Function with TDHF+BCS in Real-Time''
    The 7th CNS-EFES International Summer School [ RIKEN Nishina Center,2007.08.28 - 09.01]
    S.Ebata, T.Nakatsukasa, T.Inakura, Y.Hashimoto, K.Yabana

Social Contribution

   Workshop on EXFOR Compilation 2016
    Workshop 2016 [IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria, 2016.10.24 - 10.28]

   Techonical Meeting on International Network of Nuclear Reaction Data Centres 2016
    NRDC2016 [China Hall of Science and Technology, Beijing, China, 2016.06.07 - 06.10]

   Techonical Meeting on International Network of Nuclear Reaction Data Centres 2015
    NRDC2015 [IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria, 2015.04.21 - 04.23]